on Newton's First Law ...
We do have the freedom to choose as we please, that is clear (in some countries more than others and in some households more than others I suppose); some of this freedom have been acquired over the years rather as no absolute freedom was granted to any of us at birth. We couldn't choose what to eat, what to wear nor the type of diapers we wore as babies, yet later and with the passing of time, this freedom has grown little by little, we have acquired a larger freedom. The other day I had a discussion with my 13 year old boy on this regard, are we truly free to do as we please? I suppose we are in the sense that we can, of our capacity to make choices yet we concluded also that there are impossibilities that are more circumstantial such as am I free to fly or tele transport? Can I go to Disneyland right now? no because I have no money. One could argue that yes we are free to act yet the capabilities that accompany these acts are lacking on our part. This led me to think that sure...