on learning and sorting through ...
Yesterday at a university class a question arose regarding grades and the capacity rather of every student to obtain an A on the course. It got into an interesting discussion ranging from capability to discipline to probabilities; way too many variables for a simple question I thought. It ended up on truth and the capacity to learn for every individual in this world. My first thought was to clarify if we can all see and hear the same and therefore learn the same things ( I like simplifying things, yes). On one end of the spectrum it appears that not very human being can hear or see the same things; some due to age, circumstances, illness, etc cannot see nor hear nor learn the same things; and at the other end of the spectrum there are those who can hear, see and learn exceptionally well and therefore equally. In the middle, there are also those whom distractions won't allow them to see nor hear nor learn fully, again, circumstances. Can those circumstances be removed so we can ...