
Showing posts from September, 2013

on the awareness of eternity ...

The concept that human beings are comprised of two different parts (whether they are 2 palpable parts or whether they are simply intellectual, a product of personality is irrelevant for this purposes of discussion) has been theorized since early civilizations until our days inclusive. To read history records and study various civilizations and theories one concludes on some common things: 1. The physical body is separate from "the other" part, call it the psyche, the soul, anima, ghost, spirit, intellect, consciousness, etc. 2. The physical body decays and has an expiry date on it, it will die. 3. The other part (call it what you may) is eternal, it has always existed and will always exist. 4. Both have intrinsic "needs" and desires 5. Because they coexist within us they obviously influence each other. It seems clear to me that every action, every decision we make, every choice, will nurture one of both and yet their influence on each other is extre...

on a universal language ...

I guess I should have started here in the first place, explaining the nature of this blog, no apologies now but rather an explanation that I will write in random order (yes as I have a scattered brain I suppose), perhaps one day at the end I will arrange them. Many ancient stories tells us about this group of people that one day God confused them by changing their language, it was called the tower of Babel to some, the great Pyramid of Cholula to others, Babil, etc.  it exists in almost every other culture is the funny thing; the short of the story is: a. There is this beautiful place where all humans live in peace and harmony, even speaking one single language (of course avoiding confusion of communication, smart move) to many of this parallel stories the name of the city means The Gate of the God; as if it meant that it was a door, a way there. The way? simple: common understanding, oneness, sharing, one in purpose, in mind, union. Perfect place to live it seems, utop...

on the circle of forgiveness ...

I have thought lately about this (perhaps because of Yom Kippur), well I have thought about this topic for years but as usual lessons have to be relearned, reviewed, remembered ... or maybe is merely learned fully rather? I like to think that is the very same scientific approach to learning that applies universally, to learn and then review, and relearn just in case there have been changes. I thought on applying simple logic to begin with: In every relationship there are two human beings: A and B All human beings make mistakes therefore, A will make mistakes and                 B will make mistakes I have concluded that in any given relationship between two human beings there will be mistakes on both sides. What to do when they happen? how to react to them? I guess that's the basis of all studies on human relationships or sociology. Throughout history mankind has tried to set rules as to how to proceed, from the Talmud rule of an...