on a universal language ...
I guess I should have started here in the first place, explaining the nature of this blog, no apologies now but rather an explanation that I will write in random order (yes as I have a scattered brain I suppose), perhaps one day at the end I will arrange them.
Many ancient stories tells us about this group of people that one day God confused them by changing their language, it was called the tower of Babel to some, the great Pyramid of Cholula to others, Babil, etc. it exists in almost every other culture is the funny thing; the short of the story is:
a. There is this beautiful place where all humans live in peace and harmony, even speaking one single language (of course avoiding confusion of communication, smart move) to many of this parallel stories the name of the city means The Gate of the God; as if it meant that it was a door, a way there. The way? simple: common understanding, oneness, sharing, one in purpose, in mind, union. Perfect place to live it seems, utopia? maybe.
b. Due to men's imperfection, pride, greed, or whatever other reason, men started building another way to get to God (a tower, a ladder, etc irrelevant) and in their attempt they start losing communication of course, some want to, some don't, some want it white, some thick, etc.
c. They loose the ability to communicate, they are therefore scattered, and voila next thing you know there is the beginning of languages and different groups of societies.
The interesting thing about these stories is how many things they have in common from culture to culture, from civilization to civilization. There are so many that one might tend to conclude due to the preponderance of the evidence that there must be something in common there. Without getting into a discussion about the origin of languages these stories agree on the fact that that beautiful oneness was lost and there began our differences, let me again say that it is irrelevant whether the stories were real or not, the purpose of them is to illustrate something: that in order to live in peace and harmony unity was necessary and that divisiveness is where got us all where we are at now.
I propose that we all often say the same things, just happen that our "language" is different. Let me illustrate: Obrigado definitely means Gracias, or to us Thank You. There is not only different languages but different letters, alphabets, etc. and yet ... they all mean the same (an expression of gratitude in this case) One of my favourite fun ones is "DiversiĆ³n", which in Spanish means fun, enjoyment and yet the very same word in English means rather a distraction (different topic for another day).
Could it be possible that all religions, spiritual believes, dogmas, non religious thoughts, etc are teaching the same and yet merely in "different languages"? I propose that true principles are universal, one and the same and they were learned by all that were at the "Tower of Babel" or to put it in other words, that it is intrinsic rather on every one of us, we all have them inside somehow (another topic to find out how).
Back to my attempt, my attempt is to go back to it! if we could make a collection of comparative studies where we could recognize this "common language" then we will have that society back, where unity reigned, where harmony existed. Easy task? of course not as we will get caught up on the semantics, and symbolisms, on the applications, etc but if we strive to look deeper into the "principle" behind rather, then it will be an easy task.
I will resource to my experience to illustrate, I am LDS (Mormon) and I have friends in all walks of life. In my last relationship my girlfriend was not LDS, we talked and shared so many discussions about points of view and concluded back on principles, it was great, two people from very different believe systems yet concluding after intense hours of conversations; to find that unity rather than divisiveness. I said jokingly to her that I would love to start a project about that comparative study, to get us all back to that one common language prior to Babel, regardless of our speech, or creed or our how we apply those principles, here I am Natasha V!
So my idea of this blog is kind of that, to explore that there are hundreds of common values, principles, that rule every society and I want to explore them. My disclaimer is that I am not a translator nor an interpreter, just a mere simple human being wanting unity and searching for it ...
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