on the awareness of eternity ...

The concept that human beings are comprised of two different parts (whether they are 2 palpable parts or whether they are simply intellectual, a product of personality is irrelevant for this purposes of discussion) has been theorized since early civilizations until our days inclusive. To read history records and study various civilizations and theories one concludes on some common things:

1. The physical body is separate from "the other" part, call it the psyche, the soul, anima, ghost, spirit, intellect, consciousness, etc.
2. The physical body decays and has an expiry date on it, it will die.
3. The other part (call it what you may) is eternal, it has always existed and will always exist.
4. Both have intrinsic "needs" and desires
5. Because they coexist within us they obviously influence each other.

It seems clear to me that every action, every decision we make, every choice, will nurture one of both and yet their influence on each other is extreme; as Jung would say in his difficult attempt to translate from his native German, they are almost one and the same, they influence and have consequences on each other, inseparable lets say for the purposes of direct influence. The enlightened soul of a dedicated and devoted monk often in its desire to get closer to that eternal side has to forgo even food and nutrition and yet the natural consequence is a weak physical body. On the other hand the so called Vida Loca of fun and entertainment will also lead to a weaker inner self unavoidably. It seems to me that the key is to live being aware of both, therefore the words awareness, awaken and not to stress it out to the point of neurosis as Freud would say. 

But is "spirituality" lets call it, really a priority we should all have and follow? should we all be more inclined to favour the eternal side than this temporal flesh? That is what personal choice is, just be aware of it. To many spiritual leaders the answer is yes, put first the Spiritual side and then the physical; for today's entertainment industry it is the opposite, it's all about pleasing the physical side but with the idea that it will "make us happy" (ironic if not rather ignorant)

I am in favour of prioritizing, which it means not ignoring the physical side but giving it its place in our lives because it does have a reason to be there. 

Today as I go to the gym, as I feed myself three times, as I please my physical body I will remind myself of my other part, of the one I say I want to be my priority, of my soul, of my spirit, of my intellect, of my consciousness, of the eternal me (I love all the descriptions every culture gives it actually) and see how I can nurture it (topic for another day)


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